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Yesterday, the Italian government officially declared that Italian lockdown will end on May 4th, while some manufacturing activities were already permitted reopening today. Even if Bonfiglioli’s plants in Italy never really stopped their activities completely, pursuant to national regulations, we are now ramping back up and expecting to reaching full potential soon.
This week we will lay down the groundwork for our return, we will bring in the materials and coordinate with our suppliers to make sure they can support us.
This new beginning is very fragile, and we need to be aware that, if we do something wrong, we might go back to the darkest times of the lockdown. People are our very first priority and we will continue ensuring the highest safety standards for our employees, in compliance with national rules and regulations.
Today, it is also essential to keep the system flowing. We feel the responsibility of being one of the leading players in our regional value chain, and we will continue to support it and our suppliers by guaranteeing regular payments. We will do this because we feel it is an ethical requirement and duty for companies like us.
This is a picture of the Italian situation; the current state differs from Country to Country. Some Countries are further ahead than others. We will monitor the main events in the areas where Bonfiglioli’s sites are located.
It will be our care to keep you posted on the general situation, just like we did so far on this web page and on LinkedIn.
Read our CEO's letter