OverviewThis web page will be constantly updated with the latest news and dispositions
At Bonfiglioli, People are our priority, we have done everything in our power to keep the people in our Group as safe as possible, at the same time taking steps to avoid compromising our economic future by constantly putting ourselves in a position to work, even in minimal terms, to satisfy our customers and support our partners and suppliers.
Several countries are coming out of the Covid-19 emergency, extremely determined to see people and businesses returning to normal. The moment is particularly delicate as the virus has not yet been eradicated; only the compliance with some simple but fundamental behavioral rules can allow us to look positively to a future of opportunity, at the same time avoiding a return to terrible scenarios.
Some of the logistics and production activities in our Factories and Subsidiaries have at times been reduced or suspended, but we are now quickly returning to full availability, as you can read below.
For further details on the situation in countries where Bonfiglioli sites are present read our CEO’s letter.