Bonfiglioli platform for Automated Guided Vehicles

Blue Roll


A modular solution tailored to your needs

BlueRoll is the Bonfiglioli platform specifically developed to respond to the demanding requirements of the AGV sector in terms of power densityposition accuracy and high load capacity.

In order to satisfy the requirements of a wide range of different vehicle concepts and designs, Bonfiglioli offers a modular approach for AGV solutions, allowing the selection of the best configuration to effectively suit the specific application's needs

BlueRoll Basic

TQW: the new wheel-mounted gearbox series

1. Easy installation: the gearbox can be fitted directly to the chassis of the vehicle.
2. Heavy load capability: the integrated wheel is supported directly by the reinforced gearbox bearings, which permit ultra-high radial forces.
3. Great reliability: designed with durability in mind, BlueRoll uses high quality precision planetary gears to avoid unplanned downtimes.
4. Minimized installation space: Since the gearbox is almost completely enclosed by the wheel, the required installation space is reduced to the minimum.

BlueRoll Advanced

Powerful and compact servo gearmotors

1. High energy efficiency thanks to the optimized combination of servo motor and gearbox.
2. Stiff and precise.
3. High torque capability.
4. High flexibility thanks to a wide range of sector-specific features, i.e. low voltage supply, special encoders, holding brakes.

BlueRoll Compact

Extra compact Servo Gearmotors

1. Simplified AGV design: the BlueRoll Compact version is 25% shorter than the Advanced version, maximizing space-saving and preserving high-level performance. 
2. Suitable for long operation time: designed to operate in S1 duty cycle with a reliable thermal optimization.
3. Best configuration: thanks to its wide range of gearbox ratios, feedback systems (including safety encoders), and other motor options, BlueRoll is the most modular platform on the market.

Make your AGV efficient, reliable & durable with the BlueRoll platform

  • Three gearmotor sizes, for loads up to: 360kg, 720kg and 1,020kg
  • Speed up to 2 m/s
  • A new wheel-mounted precision planetary gearbox: TQW
  • Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors with premium efficiency
  • A wide range of feedback systems, including safety encoders
  • Compact design, extensively customizable

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